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Gustav Mahlerlaan 1212, 1081 LA Amsterdam
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Piazzale Biancamano – 8, 20121 Milano
11-12 Tokenhouse Yard London, EC2R 7AS

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Drooms in Europa :

+49 69 478 640 0
Eschersheimer Landstraße 6 60322 Frankfurt
+41 41 767 44 10
Industriestrasse 13c
6300 Zug
Spagna (Madrid)
+34 910 38 11 91
Serrano 219 1°B
28016 Madrid
Regno Unito
+44 20 304 852 89
11-12 Tokenhouse Yard
London, EC2R 7AS
+39 02 30 55 90 79
Piazzale Biancamano 8
20121 Milan
+33 1 86 47 61 00
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+31 20 209 15 85
Gustav Mahlerlaan 1212
1081 LA Amsterdam
London, UK
11-12 Tokenhouse Yard
London, EC2R 7AS
T: +44 207 118 1100
E: office-uk@drooms.com
Paris, France
34 avenue des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris
T: +33 1 86 47 61 00
E: office-fr@drooms.com
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Carrer de Sardenya, 229
4a planta 08013 Barcelona
T: +34 9322 034 08
E: office-es@drooms.com
Madrid, Spain
Serrano 219 1°B.
28016 Madrid
T: +34 910 38 11 91
E: office-es@drooms.com
Milan, Italy
Piazzale Biancamano 8
20121 Milan
T: +39 02 62 03 20 13
E: office-it@drooms.com
Frankfurt, Germany
Eschersheimer Landstraße 6
60322 Frankfurt
T: +49 69 478 640 0
E: office@drooms.com
Zug, Switzerland
Industriestrasse 13c
6300 Zug
T: +41 41 767 44 10
E: office-ch@drooms.com
Amsterdam, Netherlands (BeNeLux)
Gustav Mahlerlaan 1212
1081 LA Amsterdam
T: +31 20 209 15 85
E: office-nl@drooms.com
Confronta le nostre soluzioni
Per saperne di più Drooms
M&A Transactions
Finanza aziendale / Fusioni e Acquisizioni

The 25 essential documents for your M&A deals

Regardless of the size of a transaction, due diligence is to some extent a regulated process. Having these 25 documents in your data room will make the world of difference. Here we advise you on how to start off a deal on the right foot.
