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Drooms wins 2018 Great User Experience Title from FinancesOnline for its intuitive design and ease of use

October 1, 2018

We are delighted to announce that the Drooms NXG Virtual Data Room has been recognised by FinancesOnline (a notable B2B software review platform) for the quality user experience it provides. The Drooms NXG Virtual Data Room is designed primarily to cater to the needs of users, providing everyone with a clean design and intuitive user experience to simplify due diligence processes.

Software experts emphasize in the FinancesOnline’s review of the Drooms NXG Virtual Data Room that it efficiently streamlines all processes without requiring users to undergo extensive training. You will never have to worry about spending copious amounts of time getting acquainted with the system.

FinancesOnline added that the Drooms NXG Virtual Data Room is very intuitive and comes equipped with a neat interface that doesn’t require additional instructions. Set it up and once it’s ready, you’re good to go.

Aside from the quality user experience, FinancesOnline notes several other benefits of the Drooms NXG Virtual Data Room such as tight security features through built-in encryption and IP filtering, intelligent AI and machine learning technology for faster due diligence processes and context-sensitive searching, as well as hassle-free purchasing of new data rooms.

We would also like to thank FinancesOnline for recognising Drooms in their handpicked list of 30 SaaS (Software as a Service) tools for small businesses. More importantly, we were honoured to receive the Rising Star Award for 2018, which highlights the Drooms NXG Virtual Data Room as a highly dependable virtual data room solution.

drooms financesonline awards 2018

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Una data room. Molte possibilità.

Due Diligence
Conducete una due diligence adeguata per le vostre operazioni di Fusione e Acquisizione
Gestione del ciclo di vita
Controllate e semplificate la documentazione dei beni immobiliari nella vostra organizzazione
Analisi dei documenti
Digitalizzate la fase di revisione dei documenti
Obtenga soporte para la recopilación, indexación y digitalización de sus documentos
Raccolta fondi

Conduci raccolte fondi e condividi documenti sui fondi con potenziali investitori
La certezza di essere pronti per le operazioni di M&A