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Drooms secures Property Investor Europe Award for third successive year

June 28, 2018

European market leader for virtual data rooms named Technical Advisory Firm of the Year by PIE

London 28 June 2018 – Drooms, the leading provider of Virtual Data Rooms in Europe, has been named Technical Advisory Firm of the Year by Property Investor Europe (PIE Magazine) in London for the third time. The prestigious award, which attracts thousands of entries every year and awards winners like DLA Piper, Savills, UBS, AXA Investment Managers and Tristan Capital Partners, serves to highlight a series of achievements and successes in 2017/2018.

The PIE European Property Investor Awards recognise and honour outstanding performance in European commercial real estate. Celebrating individual transactions in the main markets of Europe, the awards also acknowledge listed and non-listed vehicles, and excellence across the board. The winners were announced at an evening ceremony on Thursday 14th of June 2018 at Plaisterers’ Hall, London.

As part of the award win, which saw Drooms succeed against strong competition from other technology providers, the judges recognised the improvements to Drooms NXG over the past 12 months. These included significant developments in AI based workflows and features such as the Drooms NXG Findings Manager, as well as several foreign language additions to the platform including Dutch and Turkish.

Drooms NXG combines secure document management with artificial intelligence and machine learning providing a fast, automated, user-friendly and secure platform. The addition of machine learning and artificial intelligence has been shown to enhance and speed up the human processes required in transactions, creating savings in both time and costs.

Jan Hoffmeister, Co-Founder and Chairman of Drooms said: “We are very proud to have been recognised at the PIE European Property Investor Awards three years in a row. We were the first to facilitate online due diligence 15 years ago, and we continue to provide efficiencies to this process as well as providing a solution for the management of the entire lifecycle of assets all on one secure platform. This affords our customers the agility to take advantage of opportunities quickly, giving them a real competitive advantage. We are continuing to work extremely hard to introduce more and more intelligence into real estate data rooms to meet the evolving needs of the industry.”

Over 25,000 companies worldwide have now carried out confidential processes using Drooms’ virtual data rooms – the total value of these transactions amounts to over EUR 300 billion. Most recently Drooms has signed a framework agreement with Tristan Capital Partners and also works with the likes of Savills and CBRE.

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Una data room. Molte possibilità.

Due Diligence
Conducete una due diligence adeguata per le vostre operazioni di Fusione e Acquisizione
Gestione del ciclo di vita
Controllate e semplificate la documentazione dei beni immobiliari nella vostra organizzazione
Analisi dei documenti
Digitalizzate la fase di revisione dei documenti
Obtenga soporte para la recopilación, indexación y digitalización de sus documentos
Raccolta fondi

Conduci raccolte fondi e condividi documenti sui fondi con potenziali investitori
La certezza di essere pronti per le operazioni di M&A