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Drooms appoints Javier Meseguer as Chief Revenue Officer

February 23, 2023
  • Focusing on international sales activity
  • Creating link between product design and sales
  • Opening of new office in Italy

Frankfurt am Main, 23. February 2023 – Javier Meseguer has been appointed as Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) at Drooms, the leading digital platform provider in Europe, effective as of 1 January 2023. Previously, Meseguer was General Manager for Southern Europe and was responsible for the business activities for Real Estate, Corporate Finance and Mergers & Acquisitions in the markets of Spain, Portugal and Italy. Going forward, Meseguer will create the link between product development and sales and, in particular, coordinate the market launch of new products and further developments of the Drooms data rooms internationally.

With the appointment of Javier Meseguer as CRO, we are positioning ourselves even more broadly with a view to our chosen growth path throughout Europe,” says Alexandre Grellier, CEO of Drooms. “Javier not only has excellent market knowledge and connections in the real estate and finance sectors across Europe, but also brings more than fifteen years of experience in the field of digitisation and data rooms.“.

Our data room solutions are unique in the market and enable our users not only to process transactions efficiently, but also to structure and store all relevant data and documents related to real estate, companies or other assets from the outset,” says Javier Meseguer. “As a market leader, we want to expand further and make our product available to clients throughout Europe. The opening of our new office in Italy in February 2023, where we already have a significant client base, is the first step on this strategic growth path.

Before joining Drooms in October 2019, Meseguer spent almost one year as Sales Director at Snowflake. Prior to that, the business administration graduate spent nearly eight years at Intralinks, firstly as Senior Sales Executive and then as Principal Sales Manager. At the outset of his career, Meseguer gained experience as an Account Manager at Mathworks and as a Senior Account Manager at SAS Institute.

Javier Meseguer Drooms 1

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