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Drooms and One Tree Planted start reforestation efforts

June 12, 2023
  • After launching the new product “LIFECYCLE” Drooms partners with the One Tree Planted organisation to plant one tree for every new data room order
  • Inspired by the movement towards more green practices within the real estate industry
  • Drooms’ data room servers run on 100% renewable energy

Frankfurt am Main, 25th April 2023 – Drooms, the leading virtual data room solution for real estate assets in Europe, is joining efforts with environmental organisation ‘One Tree Planted’ to address deforestation where it’s currently needed the most. For every new Drooms data room order, the non-profit-organisation, focused on global reforestation, will plant a tree. The initiative is inspired by sustainable developments worldwide, including the movement towards more green practices within the real estate industry.

Drooms has decided to plant the data room trees where they’re needed the most – which is currently in Brazil. The goal is to restore the tropical rainforest called Atlantic Forest, also known as Mata Atlantica, in key areas in urgent need of rehabilitation. This rainforest has been particularly impacted by centuries of deforestation, cattle ranching and urbanisation, leaving only a mere 12% of its original 130-million-hectare expanse.

“We not only want to make our own business as sustainable as possible, but also support our clients’ efforts in contributing to green initiatives. This is why Drooms has become an official partner of the reforestation initiative ‘One Tree Planted’,” explains Drooms CEO Alexandre Grellier. “Our data room servers already run on 100% renewable energy, and we will improve our practices wherever possible – to steer the industry towards a greener future.”

The use of a virtual data room minimises the need for travel during the due diligence and transaction processes and thus already reduces the carbon footprint of real estate and financial transactions. Drooms also has a company-wide waste reduction strategy and strict recycling policy in place.

“Of course, we will not stop here. Like other industries, the real estate industry is moving more towards green and sustainable practices. We already regularly publish easily accessible information and insights on ESG-strategies and best-practices from the real estate industry to support our clients in the transformation process. We also plan to include data structures in our data rooms to support our clients with their ESG reporting,” explains Grellier.

About One Tree Planted

One Tree Planted vuole rendere semplice per chiunque aiutare l'ambiente piantando alberi. Dal 2014, ha più che raddoppiato il numero di alberi piantati ogni anno e collabora con partner in oltre 80 Paesi del mondo. In questo modo, dalla sua fondazione ha già piantato oltre 92,7 milioni di alberi in tutto il mondo.

One Tree Planted

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