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FEDORA & Drooms: When culture meets data rooms

August 1, 2024

It’s not always about numbers. Supporting the performing arts through philanthropy is equally important – they not only enrich our lives but also drive creativity and innovation. That’s why we are proud to be part of the FEDORA community, now as a pro-bono partner.

FEDORA is an organisation that promotes excellence in opera and dance. They bring innovative projects to the stage. “FEDORA – The European Circle of Philanthropists of Opera and Ballet” was founded in 2013 at the Palais Garnier in Paris and has since supported the next generation of talent.

Why is this partnership important to Drooms?

FEDORA is committed to supporting and contributing to the future of opera and dance in Europe, aligning with our corporate values of socially sustainable and forward-looking development. By supporting over 75 new artistic co-productions and engaging more than 2,000 cultural professionals, FEDORA makes a significant contribution to the cultural diversity of Europe.

Drooms has supported FEDORA since 2017. Over the past seven years, we organised numerous joint events, allowing us to support the arts whilst also promoting our values and visions in a cultural context.

Ensuring security with Drooms

FEDORA uses Drooms data rooms. This allows the organisation to securely store and share applications to the FEDORA Prizes Biennale, providing secure access to the jury members so they can review and communicate confidentially and assess project applications. This way, FEDORA can harness the digital transformation and work seamlessly behind the scenes, without compromising on data protection.

Edilia Gänz, Director of FEDORA, says:

“The partnership with Drooms allows us to securely share data about innovative opera and dance projects, still in development, with our expert jury while ensuring the highest data protection standards. We are grateful for Drooms’ continuous support over the past years and for their philanthropic commitment, enabling our competition to embrace digital transformation and work excellently behind the scenes.”

Through our collaboration with FEDORA, we aim to strengthen the world of arts and our corporate values. For more information about our partnership, visit: https://www.fedora-platform.com/about/news/fedora-ambassadors-drooms/546

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