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Data Room

Best Practice Guide for M&A Transactions

Explore the essentials of successful M&A transactions with our Best Practice Guide, co-authored by Promecon and Drooms. Uncover the impact of the recent BGH (German Federal Court of Justice) verdict on M&A due diligence, the significance of selecting the right data room and consultancy, and practical tips through a concise checklist. Promecon advises that an actively planned and well-managed communication key for successful M&A transactions. Ensure seamless, secure M&A transactions with insights on intelligent data room features that meet heightened legal standards.

Transaction Report Blog 02

Real Estate Trends in 2024

Le baromètre des transactions immobilières met en lumière les tendances actuelles du marché. Comment évoluent les transactions immobilières ? Quelles sont les tendances qui marqueront les prochains mois ? En quoi les marchés de l’immobilier en Europe diffèrent-ils d’un pays à l’autre ?
