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Libro blanco

Regular la tecnología 5G: ¿una pesadilla política?

La 5G promete ser la nueva generación de tecnología inalámbrica con mayores velocidades y transferencias de enormes cantidades de datos. Al aprovechar las bandas del espectro radioeléctrico, la 5G puede permitir que un mayor número de dispositivos accedan a Internet móvil.

Libro blanco

The future of retail real estate according to fund managers

Drooms emprendió una investigación con profesionales de Sector inmobiliario en toda Europa para conocer sus opiniones y predicciones sobre el futuro de retail Sector inmobiliario y las oportunidades y amenazas que pueden presentarse. En general, se puso de manifiesto que gran parte de la cautela y el optimismo de la industria proceden del impacto que Tecnología está teniendo y seguirá teniendo en el sector.

Libro blanco

Demystifying M&A: the three main phases and deliverables

A lot of work goes into a deal and many steps are required in order to ensure its success. Effective deal preparation involving the application of rigorous protocols has a big part to play in the overall outcome. Learn with this white paper what it takes for each phase to ensure a successful transaction.


The ultimate GDPR data room provider checklist

With the EU General Data Protection Regulation in full force, the need for data controllers to vet their current providers and designate only reliable partners for data processing activities has become ever the more critical.

Libro blanco

Industry insight: the rise of private equity

The Digital Revolution is transforming how we experience and interact with the world – pushing industries of all types to adapt. The private equity industry, still being a relatively new player to the global stage, is approaching this change in its own way and finding technologies beneficial to its growth and development.

Libro blanco

Cyber security: A best practice guide to securing your data

Cyber-crime is big business and recovering from a breach will always cost more than protecting the company from one. For organisations to adequately navigate the threat environment, securing data the right way is crucial. So, what is considered best practice when wanting to keep valuable data safe?

Libro blanco

Tackling the complexities of real estate deal making

Drooms has undertaken this research study to understand more about the factors behind the need for greater due diligence in more complex transactions and how smart technology will help real estate professionals share and act upon the rapidly growing range of data sources involved.

Libro blanco

Software development due diligence

This white paper, written in cooperation with Avalia Systems, offers the key parameters for software due diligence aiming at the assessment of the digital assets of a company with the help of machine learning technology.
