In honour of World Earth Day, which takes place the 22nd April every year, Drooms decided to partner with One Tree Planted to plant one tree for every new data room order. This initiative is inspired by the sustainable developments worldwide, and more specifically the movement towards more green practices within the real estate industry. Afterall, it’s responsible for 36% of greenhouse gases produced across the EU.
Environmental responsibility meets data room technology
We strive to implement and improve our green practices wherever possible. A virtual data room in itself also contributes to reducing the carbon footprint of real estate transactions, as it minimises the need for travel and reduces the need for paper documents. Drooms’ data room servers also run on 100% renewable energy.
We also know the importance of promoting sustainability within the real estate industry and regularly encourage and promote knowledge sharing on ESG developments in form of webinars, blog posts and reports. This allows our clients, and anyone from the industry who is interested, to stay up to date and informed on the key issues.
But we don’t want to stop there – and we want to get our customers involved in our sustainability efforts too! For every new data room order booked as of 4th May 2023 Drooms will plant one tree on behalf of our customers. These trees will be planted in Brazil, restoring the Atlantic Forest in key areas, including western São Paulo State, home to the Mooro do Diablo State Park and the Black Lion Tamarin Ecological Station, as well as other forest fragments in need of rehabilitation.
Once a vast tropical rainforest covering 130 million hectares, the Atlantic Forest or Mata Atlantica has been greatly reduced in size due to centuries of deforestation, cattle ranching, and urbanization. Today, it occupies a mere 12% of its original expanse, but there is still hope for this critical ecosystem and its diverse tree species.
This means that all new Drooms data rooms, the resulting donations and trees planted, will support One Tree Planted in their mission to save endangered species, improve the livelihood of thousands of families and mitigate harmful edge effects.
“We not only want to make our own business as sustainable as possible, but also want to support our clients’ efforts in contributing to green initiatives. This is why Drooms has become an official partner of the reforestation initiative ‘One Tree Planted’,” explains Drooms CEO Alexandre Grellier.

One Tree Planted wants to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. Since 2014, they have more than doubled the number of trees planted each year and are working with partners across 80+ countries around the world. In doing so, they have already planted over 92.7 million trees across the globe since their founding.