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Drooms supports completion of €364 million logistics portfolio purchase

May 3, 2022

London, 03. May 2022 – Drooms the leading provider of digital platforms for real estate assets in Europe supported the due diligence joint venture of VGP and Allianz Real Estate’s €364 million logistics portfolio purchase of a pan-European logistic portfolio via its Drooms TRANSACTION data room solution.

The transaction consisted of 13 logistic buildings, this included nine buildings in five new VGP parks and another four newly completed logistic buildings which were developed in parks previously transferred to the joint venture. The 13 assets are located across Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and in Romania.

Rosanna Woods, Managing Director UK and BeNeLux at Drooms stated: “Especially in a highly competitive international environment, speed, efficiency and security are essential in transactions. Virtual data rooms are an optimal solution to these requirements, as they enable secure and effective cooperation between all parties involved across time zones and serve as a central and reliable source of truth. We are pleased to have been able to support VGP and Allianz Real Estate in the latest milestone in their joint venture.”

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