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Drooms supports Berlinovo in the sale of three C&A stores

May 11, 2017

Frankfurt– Berlinovo Immobilien Gesellschaft GmbH has sold three inner-city C&A stores to a private equity fund on behalf of an investment company. The due diligence for the transaction was conducted online via Drooms’ virtual data room. The secure cloud platform enables various parties to access all transaction-relevant information safely and simultaneously. The three Star Portfolio retail properties have a combined area of 13,600 m2 and are being rented out to C&A until mid-2025.

Berlinovo and Drooms have been working together successfully for many years

Drooms has been providing Berlinovo with data rooms for real estate transactions since 2008. A qualified team looks after the content of the virtual data rooms and supports Berlinovo in gathering and digitising documents in preparation for the transaction. With the aid of detailed rights administration at group and document level, individual users can be assigned suitable authorisations in the virtual data room to ensure that confidential information does not fall into the wrong hands. The high-speed display guarantees that documents are viewed in real time, ensuring a seamless transaction process for all those involved.

Over 10,000 complex transactions such as commercial real estate sales, IPOs and mergers and acquisitions have been handled securely, transparently and efficiently by Drooms. As the leading European provider of data room solutions, Drooms has assisted in transactions amounting to a total of over EUR 300 billion. More than 25,000 companies around the world use Drooms.

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