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Drooms achieves strong company growth of more than 40 percent in H1 2021

July 22, 2021

London, 22nd July 2021 – Drooms, the leading provider of digital platforms for real estate assets in Europe, today reports strong company growth of 43 percent in the first half of 2021 versus the same period last year.

Drooms’ Chief Financial Officer Daniel Weiskopf comments: “We closed the first half of 2021 on a high that exceeded our original goals. In addition to Drooms’ strong results in the DACH market, the business recorded increased growth of more than 40 percent across Europe.”

In the first half of the year, Drooms saw user growth of almost 20 percent. The Drooms Online Shop alone witnessed user growth of 27 percent. This was driven by increased demand for digital solutions for the secure management and disposal of real estate assets. A 33 percent increase in the number of employees in Switzerland was one of several key factors that helped strengthen and further expand Drooms’ presence in the DACH market.

“Exceptional company growth in all areas paves the way for further investment,” Weiskopf added. “The current strong growth being seen in asset management and the high demand for transactions in the real estate market also make us optimistic about the second half of the year.”

Drooms is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year and is increasingly adopting artificial intelligence to automate everyday work processes in its digital solutions.

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